Property Inventory Management Services for Landlords across Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and London.

Our years of experience as private landlords means that we know how important your property investment is to your long term financial security. Inventory Clerk Solutions will work with you to protect your rental property, ensuring that the costs of any damage, cleaning issues or extra wear and tear are paid for by your tenants.


Guidelines published by The Deposit Dispute Services have recommended thorough, independent inventories and condition reports as the best way to ensure that any disputes regarding tenants' deposits are settled quickly and fairly. Our detailed inventory report including photos prepared for tenant check in, will be compared to the current condition of the property and all defects including wear and tear, cleaning charges, charges to make good and breakage charges are brought to the attention of the outgoing tenants if present at check out. This reduces the likelihood of a dispute, saving you time and money.

We use a tried and tested detailed inventory report based on Association of Professional Inventory Providers (APIP) guidelines. At Inventory Clerk Solutions we aim to be professional and flexible and will always put your property first.

Even if you are using an agent to fully manage your property, by coming directly to us for this part of the process you can save up to a 100% in some instances on your inventory and check in and check out costs.

If you have decided to manage your own property then our services will give you peace of mind that your rental property is protected and you are always kept up to date on its condition.

Our experienced staff are also happy to offer impartial advice to our clients on all aspects of the letting process where required.

Contact us today and let us help protect your property investment.

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